Friday, October 2, 2015

Divergent Review

Hey ppl!!  I'm doing this on my iPod so it's probs gonna have mistakes and lots of spelling in txting slang. Maybe, mabye not.

Anyways Divergent.    God I could go on and on about this book but I rly don't want to spoil nything. Ugh SPOILER ALERT!!!

Ok so what I love bout divergent. I love how Veronica wrote this book in general. The setting in a dystopian land and basically the topic. Idk where she got this amazing idea but I can't wait to see if she will write another seperate book or series.
When Tris first enters in the book, which is pg 1, I love how Veronica uses the mother-trimming-hair thing. It was deep and meaningful and got me hooked from the start. Let's skip to where she takes her faction test. I loved how mysterious Tori was when she was speaking about *whispers* divergent. But I also got that side when I was like wtf does Divergent mean??!!! And of course that was only the first time I read it. Next part I just absolutely loved was Four's entrance in the book. Now I'm a romance lover, idk about u guys, but I loveeeeddd how Roth gave Four more character and more background. With this background that Four had, Tris and Four easily connected, coming from the same place Abnegation. Tris' tat was something I loved too-lots of meaning.

So that was just the beginning. Ahh the beginning. When things are calm and ppl don't die. RIP Will!!!
Nyways we all know that Tris in the war was selfless and brave. In my opinion, that totally overrated the 'i am selfless I am brave' thing. After rly digging deep into the book I realized that u need to be selfless to be brave. And u need to be brave to be selfless.
The book ended with so much passion and love. I just couldn't help myself from giggling. The next thing I did was grab insurgent from the library.

Although this book was very nice, it does get boring after awhile so I tend to brace myself and only read when I have an abundant amount of freetime.

Rating:4.5 Stars 

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