Friday, October 2, 2015


So it's actually been awhile since I first read delirium, like Divergent. I've just finished the third book of the series, Requiem. 
Wow I got sooo mad @ the author for that cliffhanger in the second book, pandemonium. But the series was just so  gd I had to keep turning the pages to find out what happens. 

In delirium the beginning was kinda slow so I skipped to de part where all the action was. When Alex and Lena were developing their romanticism. 

In Pandemonium I think at least 30 times I yelled screamed even cursed at the book for what happens even tho I knew who Lena was going to end up with. Alex not Julian. READ THE BOOKKOOKKKKJJRJRHRH⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ there is nothing more that I can say. 

Amazing pure amazing 

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